The World Conference on Doping
in Sport, with the participation of representatives of governments,
of inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations, of
the International Olympic Committee, the International Sports
Federations (IFs), the National Olympic Committees (NOCs) and
of the athletes, declares:


  1. Education, prevention and
    athletes’ rights

    The Olympic oath shall be extended to coaches and other officials,
    and shall include the respect of integrity, ethics and fair play
    in sport. Educational and preventive campaigns will be intensified,
    focusing principally on youth, and athletes and their entourage.
    Complete transparency shall be assured in all activities to fight
    doping, except for preserving the confidentiality necessary to
    protect the fundamental rights of athletes. Partnership with
    the media shall be sought in anti-doping campaigns.


  2. Olympic Movement Anti-Doping

    The Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Code is accepted as the basis
    for the fight against doping, which is defined as the use of
    an artifice, whether substance or method, potentially dangerous
    to the athletes’ health and/or capable of enhancing their performances,
    or the presence in the athlete’s body of substance, or the ascertainment
    from the use of a method on the list annexed to the Olympic Movement
    Anti-Doping Code.
    The Olympic Movement Anti-Doping Code applies to all athletes,
    coaches, instructors, officials, and to all medical and paramedical
    staff working with athletes or treating athletes participating
    in or training for sport competitions organized within the framework
    of the Olympic Movement.


  3. Sanctions
    The sanctions which apply to doping violations will be imposed
    in the framework of controls both during and out of competition.
    In accordance with the wishes of the athletes, the NOCs and a
    large majority of the Ifs, the minimum required sanction for
    major doping substances or prohibited methods shall be a suspension
    of the athlete from all competition for a period of two years,
    for a first offense. However, based on specific, exceptional
    circumstances to be evaluated in the first instance by the competent
    IF bodies, there may be a provision for a possible modification
    of the two-year sanctions. Additional sanctions or measures may
    be applied. More severe sanctions shall apply to coaches and
    officials guilty of violations of the Olympic Movement Anti-Doping
  4. International Anti-Doping
    An independent International Anti-Doping Agency shall be established
    so as to be fully operational for the Games of the XXVII Olympiad
    in Sidney in 2000. This institution will have as its mandate,
    notably, to coordinate the various programs necessary to realize
    the objectives that shall be defined jointly by all the parties
    concerned. Among these programs, consideration should be given
    in particular to expanding out-of-competition testing, coordinating
    research, promoting preventive and educational actions and harmonizing
    scientific and technical standard and procedures for analyses
    and equipment. A working group representing the Olympic Movement,
    including athletes, as well as the governments and inter-governmental
    organizations concerned, will meet, on the initiative of the
    IOC, within three months, to define the structure, mission and
    financing of the Agency. The Olympic Movement commits to allocate
    a capital of US $25 million to the Agency.
  5. Responsibilities of the
    IOC, the IFs, the NOCs and the CAS

    The IOC, the IFs, and the NOCs will maintain their respective
    competence and responsibility to apply doping rules in accordance
    with the International Anti-Doping Agency. Consequently, decisions
    handed down in the first instance will be under the exclusive
    responsibility of the IFs, the NOCs or, during the Olympic Games,
    the IOC. With regard to last instance appeals, the IOC, the IFs
    and the NOCs recognize the authority of the Court of Arbitration
    for Sport (CAS), after their own procedures have been exhausted.
    In order to protect athletes and their rights in the area of
    disciplinary procedure, the general principles of law, such as
    the right to a hearing, the right to legal assistance, and the
    right to present evidence and call witnesses, will be confirmed
    and incorporated into all applicable procedures.


  6. Collaboration between the
    Olympic Movement and public authorities
    The collaboration in the fight against doping between sports
    organizations and public authorities shall be reinforced according
    to the responsibilities of each party. Together, they will also
    take action in the areas of education, scientific research, social
    and health measures to protect athletes, and coordination of
    legislation relative to doping. 

Done in Lausanne (Switzerland),
4 February 1999

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