36.4% of high school students
smoked cigarettes during the past month, while 16.7% smoked cigarettes
on 20 or more days during the past month, and 9.3% used smokeless

Only 29.3% of high school students
ate five or more servings of fruits and vegetables during the
past day. 4.5% took laxatives or vomited to lose weight during
the past month. 4.9% had taken diet pills to lose weight during
the past month.

63.8% of high school students
did vigorous physical activity three or more days during the
past week. 20.4% did moderate physical activity five or more
days during the past week. 48.8% were enrolled in physical education
class. 27.4% attended physical education class daily.
–Center for Disease Control, based on a survey by the 1997 Youth
Risk Behavior Surveillance Systems survey.

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